在哈爾科夫的角落聆聽牧師的悲慟 :向神禱告 如何寬恕我的「兄弟」



記者找到了當地的牧師Vasilii,Vasilii 說戰爭之後哈爾科夫人的內心非常糾結,因這裡早被俄羅斯文化佔據,一些街道的名稱也是用俄國著名詩命名,兩地你中有我,我中有你。俄烏的文化、宗教密不可分的城市,突然被鄰國入侵,牧師Vasilii說哈爾科夫人的痛苦、那份心情,是難以筆墨形容的。作為牧師的Vasilii也開始詰問:會寬恕鄰國的「兄弟」嗎?


「我也在問自己能否寬恕,作為一個牧師,我的工作是傳道。基督教教徒會原諒懸在十字架的敵人,但現在我不能停止自己的思緒,我知道戰爭已造成很大的創傷,甚至禍延至下一代。」牧師Vasilii 說。

牧師Vasilii 努力向我們公開他的心聲,《誌》將他自白譯成中文。



我的名字叫Farther Vasilii,今年50歲,是一間教會的牧師。我將在這教會侍奉第8個年頭。1930年教堂被摧毀了,教堂在原址建立而成的,它從二戰中倖免的存活下來,當時哈爾科夫(Kharkiv )被摧毀得一片狼藉。

教堂的設計前門是沒有籬笆。這象徵著教會的大門永遠為信仰的人們而開。教堂採巴洛克式建造,這成了(不,不止是寶石) 烏克蘭東北Sloboda  的地標。



這尤其成了基輔市的一大悲痛,因為哈爾科夫(Kharkiv )是說俄語的。我會直言不諱的將這份傷痛告訴全世界。

距離教堂150米,是一座俄羅斯普欺金劇院。在600米以外是一座哈爾科夫國立大學,大學設有專教俄文及俄國文學的部門。這裡三、四條街的名字也是以著名的俄國詩人和作家命名的:Pushkinskaia, Lemontovskaia, Dostoievskogo⋯⋯等等。他們佔據了什麼?就是他們的人和語言。



Vasilii 說很多國民回來協助,留下的長者非常感動。(陳子煜攝)











Vasilii 詰問「我能原諒敵人嗎?」(陳子煜攝)

我曾在Borovskii 教區事奉,現在已成為駐了俄軍。那兒的生活好像回到幾十年前一樣,生活沒有因此已停頓。那裡有強盜搶掠,有強姦發生。這為我們帶來很大痛楚,我自己也有太太和一名女兒。


My name is Farther Vasilii. I am a cleric of this church. This year, it was going to be 8 years from the day of this church initiation. 

This church was built in the place of another church that had been destroyed in 1930. It had been blown up and dismantled for construction materials but only God knows where those construction materials had gone.

After surviving World War 2, Kharkiv was badly damaged.

There is no fence in front of the main entrance. It is also a symbol of the church being always open to people.

The church is in the Baroque style and it has become an adornment /no, not a jewel!/ of the Sloboda Ukraine [a historical region now located in Northeastern Ukraine]

What happened in March this year is hard to describe in words. It’s great grief. Many people say, “We built this church not for destruction after all but prayer.”

“Russian” is not in the name actually, but it is Russian

It’s especially painful that the city of Kharkiv is Russian-speaking. 

I will speak candidly for it to be translated and for the international community to be informed about it. 

150 metres from this church, there is The Russian Pushkin Drama Theatre. About 600 metres from here, there is The Kharkiv National University which has a department of the Russian language and literature. There are three to four streets close by named after the prominent Russian poets and writers: Pushkinskaia, Lemontovskaia, Dostoievskogo… They’ve come to denationalise what? Their own people and their language.

Do you understand what the core, the greatest pain here is? 

That’s for one. For two, innocent people die. Does this church look like an ammunition warehouse or a serious military object?

We thank God that no one died here. There’s a bomb shelter here, people have been hiding here to this day. Because outside of the church, everything has been seriously hit. 

The stained glass windows here are expensive work. They were made by very talented people. They weren’t made in a month or half a year. It took a lot of time.

A lot was damaged by a shock wave and there was also that cruise missile that hit the church. 

The war has brought us much closer together, in all respects. Before, we would look and say, “Oh, there’s a Catholic there” or “Oh, there’s a Protestant there” or “Oh, there’s a Moscow priest there” — now we don’t have that. 

A lot of people have left. I’ve been asked to leave myself. 

Farther Vasilii

In one second, after that strike, there were no windows, no doors, no electricity, hitting or water supply system anymore. It was scary. All the choir members, everyone… left the city. 

But then we got ourselves organised—it was difficult to do it: to recover, to cry for all the destroyed beauty—and the same week on Sunday we were already having a service. 

And when the people found out there would be a service, when they came to the service, especially the old people, they cried. They cried and laughed simultaneously because they felt like they weren’t abandoned. Not everyone can leave. Not everyone can abandon the sick, the disabled, their dogs, cats… Some people can’t for health reasons. Some people are afraid to leave. And some people don’t have anyone out there. We nurture them spiritually.

It’s a shame you weren’t here in the morning when we had the Easter service. We had a service in a destroyed church. All kinds of people came and the church brought them together. The religion, the faith. 

They became more devout, they started to pray more. They became simpler. What brings me joy the most is the young people, the volunteers. A lot of them have cars and money, and everything, they could leave, but they chose to stay. They cook for hundreds of people, they unload sacks…

This is where it came from on the 2nd of March. The shockwave was of such power that the metal doors of 5mm thickness bent like paper.

Fortunately, no one got hurt. Here are the shrapnel fragments. I’ve already given away the biggest ones to the museum. This missile flew from around 400-500 km away, can you imagine? Either from the Black Sea or Voronezh. I can’t say for certain, of course. The Sewer manholes got open. 

I feel pain. I lost people I was close with. They died because they hadn’t made it to a bomb shelter. I have a spouse and children myself. For me, it’s a great pain. 

It used to be very lively here. The bells would ring, people would come to pray, and now there’s no one here. 

Only five people live in the basement of that five-storey building. And eight people in our basement. 

The Russian propagandists say that we shell ourselves. And many Russians think that way. That we shell ourselves, destroy our churches, kill ourselves. That’s the tragedy of our time.  

I served the first years of my service in a parish in the Borovskii district. Now there are Russian troops there. The life there hasn’t just frozen — it’s rolled several decades back. There is robbery, there is marauding, there is rape there. I say it with great pain. I have a spouse, I have a daughter. 

I was also told that they didn’t let milkmaids to a farm for four days. Can you imagine, it’s spring, there’s mass calving. The poor cows mooed out of pain because no one milked them. Someone let the cows out to a field so that they would at least roam freely. 

  1. 俄羅斯總統普京清晨發表軍事演說 向烏克蘭響出第一炮 137烏克蘭國民人亡
  2. 今日烏克蘭 明日台灣?從烏克蘭戰火看兩岸關係與暗湧
  3. 烏克蘭國家保衛戰 國民肉身阻坦克 副總統徵IT精英抵抗假新聞
  4. 再沒有安全的國土 他方的烏克蘭人: 戰爭由一少撮瘋狂的人發起,烏俄人都不需要理解戰爭原因
  5. 自組民兵、製汽油彈、運送物資、打國際線—戰火中,深信勝利終歸我們的烏克蘭青年
  6. 經歷兩次革命的前烏克蘭記者Victor Tregubov:這不止是一場在戰場上的戰爭 也是資訊之戰
  7. 俄烏戰進入第二周 來自戰地的聲音:圍城戰下的人道危機
  8. 獨立記者基輔報道 — 俄軍轟炸超市 全民進入互不信任的戰爭狀態
  9. 記者走進基輔醫院 : 滿佈導彈地雷的基輔 藏不了的傷痕
  10. 前台灣軍人一心往烏克蘭當志願軍 滯留在波烏邊境
  11. 俄羅斯獨媒停運 尚保獨立民調 :「軍事行動」依然是國民的興奮劑
  12. 在哈爾科夫的角落聆聽牧師的悲慟 :向神禱告 如何寬恕我的「兄弟」
  13. 烏克蘭重奪哈爾科夫 留守的俄語青年:沒有「法西斯主義者」想殺了我
  14. 獨立記者在烏克蘭  Kaoru Ng 懷着香港疑問踏進戰場
  15. 走到波烏邊境現場 等待回家的人們
  16. 【俄烏戰2周年】獨立記者在烏克蘭 :民眾士氣低落倦戰,有逃兵疫趨勢


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